Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you continue meditating and quieting your mind, slowly but surely over time, you will notice that things surface to be addressed. This process is addressed in this week’s video. Pieces of your subconscious “iceberg” are...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, You have been establishing your meditation practice for a while now, and last week I shared about what happens when you meditate. In this week’s video, you get to revisit why you are meditating and working to resolve your emotions and...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you know so well, meditation is an important part in the evolution of your soul. Now that you have examined your desire for spiritual awakening, made an inner commitment to back up that desire, and engaged your active observer of self, it...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, In this week’s video and journaling questions, I want to share with you more about the importance of the Observer Self in dissolving emotional patterns and making important changes in your soul’s expression. The Observer Self is...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Are you ready to go deeper into your understanding of your soul and its spiritual evolution? I have been pondering for many months now: How do I support these beautiful souls on their journey? I can’t do the healing, awakening work for...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter, how has your Lenten commitment supported you, and how have you supported your commitment? I am re-sharing this week’s video because I am talking with you about purifying yourself, and going beyond your little...