CF Enlightenment

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Love to Know Your Self in God

Beloved Soul in Evolution, What did you experience this week as you practiced using the Spiritual Thermometer? Were you able to better see who was running your show--the “little I” or the “Big I”, which is the I AM Presence in you? The Spiritual Thermometer is a great...


Jewel from Jane: Your Desires Have Energy! – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Your Desires Have Energy! Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from...

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Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Prepare for the Holiday Energy!

The time  has come for us to prepare ourselves for the Holiday Energy that is coming into the Universe. It will propel us forward. There is a special period in our life that a new alignment of energy comes forth, and NOW is the time to take advantage of this new...

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Daily Experiences Shape the Development of Your Soul

Your day to day experiences may seem trivial, but they are really experiences that are shaping the development of your soul. Become the Active Observer of yourself. It will help neutralize your reactions. It allows you to make unemotional choices, instead of reacting...

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Nature Is Bringing a New Vibration into the Universe

The time of change is here. Look around and see the beautiful trees preparing for change.  Fall is upon us, and nature is bringing a new vibration into the universe. The color of the leaves send forth new energy and life to all of us. Take advantage of this time...

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Listen to Inner Guidance with Assurance

Listen to your inner voice.  Begin by being still.  You need to still your mind--to let all your thoughts, but a desire to listen, pass through your mind unresisted.  Let go of all your ideas about what you need.  Create a clear slate in your mind...

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Observe, Adjust and Evolve!

We are consciously assisting in the evolution of our soul when we become the active observer of our self.  We cannot change anything until we can identify what needs to be changed.  The active observer is the guardian and support system that watches over the...

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Are Your Desires Still Valid?

Our desires are very important! Desires have energy of their own. They compel us to complete them, they drive us, and are never ending. Each desire demands fulfillment. Since we have free will, God respects our desires and will fulfill them. It is important for us to...

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You Are the Light of the World

This week's featured video:  You Are a Powerful Unit of Energy In every atom of our body is a point of light. This creates the inner light, which is why we can say we are the light of the world.  We all have this light glowing inside us.  It is our...

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Watch Your Thoughts before Taking Action

We have the power to choose where our mind takes us.  With that knowledge, it is important that we watch over our thoughts before we take action. Our mind is constantly moving between the opposites.  When we let go of things coming out in a certain way, good...

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Meditation: The Process to Unveil the Whole SELF

Meditation is the process we must use to unveil our whole SELF. Through meditation our vibrations are raised.  Our intuitive Mind is awakened and activated.  The intuitive mind accesses the all-knowing mind of God. All the knowledge and wisdom of the ages is...

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