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Spiritual Thermometer (Part Two)
Love to Know Your Self in God
Beloved Soul in Evolution, What did you experience this week as you practiced using the Spiritual Thermometer? Were you able to better see who was running your show--the “little I” or the “Big I”, which is the I AM Presence in you? The Spiritual Thermometer is a great...
Spiritual Thermometer (Part One)
Jewel from Jane: Celebrate the Christ Energy in You! Christmas Eve Service
Center for Enlightenment Christmas Eve Service Celebrate the Christ Energy in You! Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from...
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Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Problems Are Tools to Support Your Soul
Every problem in life is here to support your soul's evolution. Unless you have a challenge, you will never know your capabilities. Your problems are not awful. They are the most wonderful tools designed to push you forward! Action to take to work in the best interest...
Tap into Your Intuition!
The main function of the intellectual mind is to reason things out and to analyze your thoughts, circumstances and surroundings. The purpose of the intuitive mind is to expand your consciousness beyond the scope of day–to-day life. 2011 is the time to...
Unravel the Mysteries of Your Mind
Journaling is an important tool to unravel the mysteries of your subconscious mind.It can get you to the root of a problem quicker than talking about it or trying to figure it out in your head. It facilitates a flow of consciousness that opens up channels that...
Embrace Your Future Possibilities
Now that you have advanced into 2011, you are being prepared to fully embrace your future possibilities. Your consciousness is being upgraded, so to speak, to allow for the incoming higher vibrations. Here are some ideas that will enable you to move through the...
Guidance after Completing the Seven Step Process into the Year 2011:
By completing this process old emotional patterns have been released and this has created a reservoir for new energy to flow into your life. You will be presented with a vast array of options. Here are some changes you may experience: Relationships with spouse,...
Take on Your New Consciousness!
The time has come to take on our new consciousness for 2011. As we release the year 2010 and move into Our New Being in God, we will discover new talents and new abilities being unveiled in our consciousness. Action to take: Have a New Year filled with...
New Year, New Energy
This is the time of the year to embrace the new vortex of energy and vibration that is coming in to support the evolution of your Soul. Action to take: It is of major importance that you plan a time to meditate, go into the Silence and be in the NOW moment.Featured...
Move into the New Year with a Clean Slate
Are you ready to change your life? Whenever there is a shift in our consciousness, change takes place. We have been preparing ourselves for the last several weeks to move into the new year with grace and poise. On December 19th we are going to do the last two steps:...
Learning from the Tough Times
Each year brings about some difficulties and disappointments. In order to flush out those old thoughts it is necessary to observe and journal these disappointments and learn what your Soul is trying to tell you. I learned the most about myself through my...