Latest Videos
Detaching from Emotional Reactions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your Observer Self supporting you? Are you remembering to be the Observer of your actions, the Observer of your thoughts? This is an important tool that belongs to you and helps you master the emotions that will come up on this...
What Happens between Lifetimes?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, One of the biggest questions I receive when giving discourses on soul evolution is "What happens after we die?" It's a deep question that deserves a sincere answer. In this week's video, I address this question among others on this topic of...
Break Free from Karmic Illusions!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Since I have been sharing about the subconscious mind the past couple of weeks, revisiting the subject of karma is a natural next step. In this week's video, I talk with you about your karmic play, how you formed the play your in, and how to...
Jewel from Jane: Uncovering Your Subconscious – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Uncovering Your Subconscious Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out...
Jewel from Jane: Soul Involution – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Soul Involution Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to...
New Resources
¡Su alegría es un bendición!
Esté lleno de gozo en su viaje, ya que el gozo deja entrar la luz de su alma. Tienen como objetivo demostrar felicidad y nuestro gozo será un gran bendición para todos. ¿Reflexione sobre esto - Cómo puede traer más...
Time to Celebrate the New Year!
Now you are ready for the final step, Completion. Go to a special place to meditate. Still your mind and visualize the seven steps. See yourself on each step and as you do, go through a release process in your mind. End by saying this powerful prayer, "I am...
Support Your Soul
Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is the time of year to be grateful for all of our blessings! It is also time to celebrate the new energy that is coming in to support our end-of-the year soul movement! I share this week's very short video in...
Release Your Human Attachments
Beloved Soul in Evolution, At some point on this spiritual journey, you become tired of the goings-on of the third dimensional, human existence. There is more to the living, loving energy of Divine Intelligence than every day, ho-hum life. In this week's video, I...
Play the Game of Life!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Early in this journey of awakening to Infinite Intelligence, I realized that there were rules to life that I didn't previously know existed. I was playing a game--the Game of Life--without knowing how to play it! In this week's video, I am...
Listen to Your Inner Guidance
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you know by now, one of the most important skills to learn on this journey is to listen to your inner guidance. That is why I chose this week's video on this very topic. You came into this life with a specific plan for your life. You may...
Uncover Universal Knowledge
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As the seasons change around me, I am reminded of the Universal Plan for all souls moving forward in their evolutionary process. In the video I chose for this week, I discuss the evolutionary process and how you fit into it. I remember when...
Evolution of the Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your daily spiritual practice going? Are you remembering to use your Observer Self throughout the day? Are you committing to your daily meditation practice, even if it feels like nothing is happening? Know that your efforts are always...
How Does Meditation Benefit You?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Wow! I have been on a wild ride lately, continuing my work on a major project that has found me looking through my class materials, personal writings, and videos from the last several decades! I am preparing something very special to offer...
Detaching from Emotional Reactions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your Observer Self supporting you? Are you remembering to be the Observer of your actions, the Observer of your thoughts? This is an important tool that belongs to you and helps you master the emotions that will come up on this...
What Happens between Lifetimes?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, One of the biggest questions I receive when giving discourses on soul evolution is "What happens after we die?" It's a deep question that deserves a sincere answer. In this week's video, I address this question among others on this topic of...