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What Is Soul Involution?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I am so happy to be sharing with you more about a new concept that I have introduced to you before, but I am really spelling it out for you in this video: Soul Involution. As each life has passed, you have made choices as to what skills and...
Walk through the Door of God Consciousness
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How were your spiritual practices this week? Thank you for your emails, sharing with me your questions and experiences! This week, I have a new picture for you: the Door of God Consciousness. Many spiritual students have asked me why the...
Walking the Karmic Tightrope
Jewel from Jane: Seven Steps for Moving into 2023: Step 3: Hopes and Dreams – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Seven Steps for Releasing 2022 and Freely Moving into 2023 Step 3: Hopes and Dreams Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your...
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Support Your Soul
Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Develop Your Intuitive Mind
The intellectual mind's main function is to analyze, reason and memorize. The intuitive mind's main function is to expand our consciousness. As we develop our intuition, our intellectual mind takes second place to the intuitive mind. Our intuition is the bestower of:...
Move Beyond the Opposites
Our ego was created to live in the world of opposites. We evaluate ourselves from this point of view: pain and pleasure, love, hate, joy, sorrow--all the different experiences in the opposites. There comes a time in our evolution when we no longer need to experience...
Learn To Deal With Your Fears
An important step to take on our spiritual journey is to learn to deal with our fears. Every person knows fear. It is easy to recognize because it comes with a vibration and energy all of its own. Fear dominates most situations and puts a damper on many happy moments....
Moving Through Karmic Patterns
We are all moving through karmic patterns from the past. Our dreams, hopes and desires are being played out right now. In order to have a greater understanding of our life, we need to recognize that many of the things we are experiencing right now have their roots in...
Universal Knowledge Becomes Universal Wisdom
The only way to make this transition from knowledge to wisdom is to focus on the "NOW" moment. It allows us to use our Mind differently. Why is this important? The mind, when it is in the state of NOW, is an electrical energy, vibration and a powerful tool. It is a...
Your Desires Have Energy
Our desires are very important, because God will fulfill our every desire, if not this life time, then in a future life. Action to take: Watch this week's YouTube video. Make a list of your heart's desires. Next, prioritize your desires. Now release them to God to be...
Important Souls in Your Life Have Been with You Before!
We live in a world of Karma (cause and effect). Whatever is going on in our life, has been brought forth from the past. Our past lives are the history of our Soul. Action to take: Make a list of the really important souls in your life, with the knowledge that they...
Meditation Awakens New Brain Cells
Why is meditation essential to moving in consciousness? When we meditate we awaken new brain cells that have previously been dormant. When activated, new information/revelations can easily flow into our consciousness. Action to take: Meditate and open up new brain...
Recognize Your Soul
How do we identify our real Self? First, we recognize that we are souls that have evolved through eons of time. We have had many selves. Every time we reincarnated we got a new personality. Action to take: Observe your ego in action. What do you think or focus on...