Latest Videos
Jesus’ Evolution into Christ Consciousness
Beloved Soul in Evolution, What are you releasing for Lent to support your soul's evolution? Are you meditating more? Making a commitment to journal a little every day? Practicing being in the present moment throughout the day? Any effort you make will help you take a...
What Does Lent Mean to the Soul Evolutionist?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I'm so happy to share with you this week's video on Lent! It may be strange to think about Lent as a Soul Evolutionist. You might think, "I'm not into that anymore", or maybe you never were. Maybe you think, "I'm a Soul Evoutionist. I don't...
Observe Yourself and Embrace Your Changes
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Now that you have spent a few weeks experiencing meditation with me and other Soul Evolutionists, how do you see your meditation time differently? Has it inspired you to go deeper, knowing that there are others who want to explore their...
What Is Meditation? – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Meditation, Part 1 What Is Meditation? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This...
Your Commitment to Your Soul – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Commitment, Part 2 Your Commitment to Your Soul Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey...
New Resources
Abrir la puerta de su conciencia
Cada día es un nuevo día. Abracemos el día con alegría y entusiasmo. Como dejamos viejos patrones de pensamientos y entrar cada día esperando una nueva posibilidad y escuchar a nuestro guía anterior, abrimos la puerta...
Humildad verdadera
¿Qué es la humildad verdadera? Cuando la humildad verdadera estar presente, permite que nosotros sirvamos desinteresadamente y separamos del resultado. Piense humildemente, hable sabiamente y trabajo sin cesar.
Support Your Soul
Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Going Deeper – Walking the Karmic Tightrope
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are continuing to uncover the "mystery" of karma--which is really not a mystery, but a logical and fair movement of energy, intricately designed for your soul's evolution, and involution. Every person has their own unique karmic tightrope...
Going Deeper – Understanding Karmic Illusions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, It is important to understand the karmic process as part of your evolutionary process. You are on a karmic wheel that moves you through lifetime after lifetime, providing opportunities to fulfill desires and neutralize karmic debt. In other...
Going Deeper – Breaking Free from Illusions, Part 2
Beloved Soul in Evolution, When your illusions begin to fall apart, you have a new perspective on your life. You can't look at people, situations, or yourself the same way that you did when you were steeped in the illusion. When I began my spiritual journey, I...
Going Deeper – Breaking Free from Illusions – Part 1
Beloved Soul in Evolution, It is important to understand that you are in a play, an illusion, and you have chosen to be in this particular play for this life. Everything around you is about you, since this is your play! Sometimes you like it, and sometimes you don't....
Going Deeper in 2016 – Understanding the Ingredients of Your Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, What is your soul made of? How does it evolve? In this week's video lesson, I give you an analogy of baking a birthday cake, demonstrating the many aspects of your soul's evolution, gathering what you need for your eventual awakening to your...
Going Deeper – Your Desires and Infinite Intelligence
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Desire is the biggest drive for God Consciousness because it compels you to know more about your finite self, and all the way to awakening as Infinite Intelligence. You are finite in the midst of the Infinite. Your journey through the third...
Going Deeper in 2016: How Desires Create Your Lifetimes
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter week, and you check in with your Lent commitment, remember that your desire for your spiritual growth is what fuels your movement. Your experiences in each lifetime fulfill and create desires that then carry over into...
Going Deeper – Connect with Your Intuition
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you continue with your Lent commitment, continue to also reflect on the necessity of meditation on your spiritual journey to awakening. Meditation is one of the most important practices on your spiritual journey. It connects you with your...
Going Deeper: Strength for Your Journey
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I support my soul, and where do I get the strength to do this work?" As you are working with your spiritual commitment for Lent, this week's video will give you a boost of energy and encouragement! As...