CF Enlightenment

Latest Videos

Mastering the Mind

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you are enjoying revisiting my videos this summer. While I am working on a new project that will support you, this is a good time to refresh and practice tools for the journey. In this week's video, I continue the focus on mastering...

Turn off Your Mind!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I am so happy to share with you this week's video, reminding you of the importance of turning off your mind. While I am taking time off from creating new videos, I am still here supporting you on your spiritual awakening. You are on an...


Jewel from Jane: Truth Behind the Door – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Truth Behind the Door Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out...

Jewel from Jane: Walking the Karmic Tightrope – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Walking the Karmic Tightrope Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood...

New Resources

Meditation — The Key to Actively Participating in Your Life!

"When inner vision has been attained through the practice of meditation, light streams forth and revitalization takes place. At first it is a flash of wondrous information and instinctive realization and then, as progress is being made, it develops into understanding...

Meditation Expands My Sense of Self

"The goal for all of us is to not limit our consciousness but to expand our understanding of what lies beyond our limited self and seek a more elevated state of awareness which will advance our...

Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Intuition Is Essential for Spiritual Freedom

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I am moving forward with that part of Spiritual Power Tools that deals with intuition! Get out your book and turn to page seven, Chapter Two. In this week's video, I take you deeper in understanding your intuition and how it works. When you...

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Observe Your Emotional Patterns

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we go, continuing our deeper look into Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you are using the tools in the last video, "Staying on the Transformation Track." It's a good one to reference when you need encouraging reminders when the going gets...

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Moving from the Third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension

Beloved Soul in Evolution, April continues our celebration of the ten year anniversary of Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you have been keeping up with this series on this powerful little book. I've been sharing with you deeper meanings within these chapters. This book...

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Going Beyond Your Limited Self

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How far do you want to move on this spiritual journey? Your free will and spiritual desire will determine how far you go. We celebrate Easter this week and the Spiritual Power Tools' ten year anniversary this month; and both Easter energy...

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Journal to Untangle Your Subconscious and Dismantle the Ego

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we continue celebrating the Spiritual Power Tools' tenth anniversary this month, I am focusing on these tools to support you on your journey. After talking about the subconscious in last week's video, I thought this week it would be good...

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Uncover Your Whole Self

Beloved Soul in Evolution, This is the anniversary month for the Spiritual Power Tools book! I hope these videos are giving you a deeper look into this powerful little book! In this week's video, I am sharing the story about the first Spiritual Power Tool that was...

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What Happens When You Meditate?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Now that you have established your meditation time, it is important to understand what happens when you meditate. In this week's video, I share from the Spiritual Power Tools book, the sensations you may experience when you meditate....

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Spiritual Power Tool #1: Meditation

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Ten years ago, I put together a manual for spiritual growth, based on 45 years of my spiritual discoveries. The Spiritual Power Tools book encompasses the supportive processes I used to get to know my God Self--even though I didn't know what...

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