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Observe Your Emotional Patterns
Observe Your Emotional Patterns
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we go, continuing our deeper look into Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you are using the tools in the last video, "Staying on the Transformation Track." It's a good one to reference when you need encouraging reminders when the going gets...
Staying on the Transformation Track
Jewel from Jane: What Happens to You When You Meditate? – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth What Happens to You When You Meditate? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas...
Jewel from Jane: How Does Soul Evolution Work? – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth How Does Soul Evolution Work? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out...
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Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Jane Elizabeth in Phoenix, AZ
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I am so happy to share with you this week my talk from the International New Thought Alliance World Conference that took place two weeks ago in Phoenix, Arizona. You are a soul in evolution. In this video, I am speaking to an audience of...
Chicago Events, June 2013
Beloved Soul in Evolution, God has a plan for your life, and you have access to that divine realization--and if you are reading this, you are thirsty for spiritual knowledge! This week, I am sharing with you two more videos from my time in Chicago. One is from the...
Strength for the Journey
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I support my soul, and where do I get the strength to do this work?" As you support your I AM presence within you daily, you achieve little accomplishments, little awakenings, which then lead to bigger...
Happiness Exists within You
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I received many emails this week asking more about the third eye, so I am addressing that topic this week, in the first part of this week's video. The intuition is an important aspect of your soul's evolution. It is that part of you that...
Your Intuitive Mind
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you have had a successful week of observing your emotions and being on top of them, rather than your emotions being on top of you. As you do your spiritual work of developing your observer self, you become more in control of your...
Controlling Your Emotions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How was your work stilling your mind this week? We are working on developing and strengthening our detached Observer Self. In addition to quieting the mind, you also have to learn to control your emotions—shifting from allowing your emotions...
Stilling Your Mind
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How was your week practicing stilling your mind? I am sure you found it difficult at times, since it is, indeed, a very difficult task! This week I am continuing to encourage you to still that busy mind! It is worth the effort you are...
Mastering Your Mind
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are moving forward with diligence and enthusiasm, taking responsibility for our soul's evolution. It takes a lot of effort and persistence to awaken and find that God is the true Essence within us. This week, I share with you the...
Desires — Part 2
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you were able to examine your desires this week, and how they drive you. This week, I am on fire for you to desire your God Self enough to take responsibility for awakening to it. I can give you information, inspire you, encourage...