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The Pure Essence of Your Being
The Pure Essence of Your Being
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Are you doing your homework of looking at your desires and determining what your most sincere desire is? My videos right now are for those of you who currently desire to awaken to full God awareness. And my desire is to support you in that...
Desire Brings Forth New Spiritual Equipment
Jewel from Jane: Mastering Your Mind – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Mastering Your Mind Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to...
Jewel from Jane: Desires, Part 2: Your Next Responsibility – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Desires, Part 2: Your Next Responsibility Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week:...
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Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Be Like an Olympian and Go for the Gold!
Your spiritual goal is to establish and recognize that the God within is the most important work you can do to benefit your soul’s evolution this lifetime. Action to take: Commit to your daily spiritual practice....
Everything in your life is designed to grow your soul--to teach you a new skill, uncover a hidden strength, or resolve an ancient resentment. Embrace what is right before you, and listen within for direction as you move through it. Action to take: Meditation...
Walk the Line of Intuition!
It is important to distinguish between our false cravings or addictions and our true intuitive impulses. False cravings are something we think we want, and when we get it, it doesn't really satisfy us or enhance our lives. A sure sign you are following your intuition...
Quiet the Mind to Understand Your Being
One of the rewards of meditation for us is to become conscious of our soul rather than the ego personality. As we learn to function as a soul, we can consciously understand all aspects of our being. The gateway to the soul is through daily meditation. ...
Gather with Like-Minded Souls
There is power in unity. What might seem impossible for one of us to accomplish alone can be accomplished with amazing results when we gather together in prayer with an open mind and open heart....
Life Is but a Dream!
Our desires are very important! Desires have energy of their own. They compel us to complete them, they drive us, and are never ending. Each desire demands fulfillment. Since we have free will, God respects our desires and will fulfill them. It is important for us to...
Forgiveness Is the Golden Ticket
By learning to work with the Law of Karma (cause and effect), we begin to understand that we are evolving souls. Through love and forgiveness, we free ourselves from future incarnations. Action to take: If there is a "soul" in your life that you have issues with,...
Listen to Your Soul Calling!
There is a part of us that is connected with the cosmic energy of this universe. As we acknowledge this, and meditate upon this, we are able to magnify and focus this energy into our conscious awareness. Then we are able to discover the true essence of our being....
Creating and Releasing Thought Forms
Practicing detachment and observation will help us to identify old patterns and erase them from our consciousness. Action to take:Mediate each morning and picture the day filled with joy and happiness. By doing this we are creating a thought form. The mind is the main...