Latest Videos
Releasing the Year — Step Two: Good Times
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We continue to prepare for the New Year this week by doing what is ours to do: Releasing 2014 and taking responsibility to move in consciousness. In this week's video, I address the Good Times in Step 2, taking it to a whole new level of...
Time to Release the Year! Step One: Gratitude
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love. We are now moving through the end of 2014, and ready to clear the way for the new year, 2015! If you have been with me for a while, then you know every year I walk you through the Seven Steps...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is the time of year to be grateful for all of our blessings! It is also time to celebrate the new energy that is coming in to support our end-of-the year soul movement! I share this week's very short video in...
Jewel from Jane: Uncovering Your Subconscious, Part 2 – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Uncovering Your Subconscious, Part 2 Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas...
Jewel from Jane: Uncovering Your Subconscious – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Uncovering Your Subconscious Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out...
New Resources
Discriminar entre el alma y la personalidad
Meditación mantiene el canal de comunicación abierto entre el alma y el cerebro, a través de la mente. Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es aprender a discriminar entre la vibración de nuestra alma y la vibración de nuestra...
Orientacion después de completar el proceso de los siete pasos en el año 2013
Al finalizar el proceso de los siete pasos, los viejos patrones emocionales han sido liberarlos y esto ha creado un depósito de nueva energía fluya en tu vida. Se le presentará con amplia gama de opciones. Aquí están algunos cambios...
Support Your Soul
Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Commitment Is the Key
Beloved Soul in Evolution, After you pay attention to your deep desire for more than this third dimensional world, commitment is the next key to taking responsibility for your soul. Once you recognize the importance of generating sufficient desire energy to begin to...
No Desire Is Ever Lost
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Perhaps by now you can see how important desire is on the spiritual journey--desire to know your whole self more than you desire anything else! The spiritual journey does not consist of gaining material goods, but uncovering the Truth of...
The Importance of Your Desires
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How did you enjoy working with last week's "going deeper" questions? Did you take time to ponder them? To write your thoughts? As you put energy into your deepening understanding, your desire to know more about Infinite Consciousness within...
Going Deeper as a Soul Evolutionist
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Are you ready to go deeper into your understanding of your soul and its spiritual evolution? I have been pondering for many months now: How do I support these beautiful souls on their journey? I can't do the healing, awakening work for them,...
Working with the Easter Energy (Dissolving Emotional Pain)
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you managing yourself and all that is being brought to your attention by the Easter Energy that came in a week and a half ago? It's here to move you, and moving you means bringing unresolved emotion to the surface for you to resolve...
The “Aftermath” of Easter — What Will You Do with that Energy?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Welcome to the aftermath of Easter! The energy blast came in--what are you going to do with that energy? In this week's video, I am sharing with you information about energy and how it comes in to support your soul's evolution. Energy is a...
Moving Beyond Your Limited Self
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter, how has your Lenten commitment supported you, and how have you supported your commitment? I am re-sharing this week's video because I am talking with you about purifying yourself, and going beyond your little "I". Your...
Your Present Moment Connection ~ A Meditation to Support Your Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we continue towards Easter, I am sharing this week's video meditation to support your commitment to yourself, to your Easter awakening. Everything you need is in the present moment. Meditation helps you connect to the Infinite Presence...
Your Spiritual Journey of Discovery, Part 2
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are moving toward Easter, and your soul is calling out to become a greater part of you! In this week's video, I am talking about the "God Computer"--a visual I used throughout my journey to connect to my Higher Self when I didn't know...