Latest Videos
The Final Steps to Release the Year
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we are at the end of 2014, moving into 2015 tonight! I have been holding you in light and love as you worked on the previous steps of Gratitude, Good Times, Hopes and Dreams, and Disappointments and Difficulties from 2014. In this...
Time to Release the Year! Step Four: Disappointments and Difficulties
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you had a merry Christmas, and felt the love energy all around you! We now continue our journey of releasing 2014 and opening to new possibilities in 2015. In this week's video, I address Step 4: Disappointments and Difficulties. What...
Time to Release the Year! Step Three: Hopes and Dreams
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your process going in releasing all of the good times from 2014? In this week's video, I am addressing the third step: Hopes and Dreams. Your hopes and dreams are important to review because it gives you an opportunity to acknowledge...
Jewel from Jane: Spiritual Thermometer, Part 2 – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Spiritual Thermometer, Part 2 Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood...
Jewel from Jane: Spiritual Thermometer, Part 1 – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Spiritual Thermometer, Part 1 Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood...
New Resources
Expansión de la conciencia
El objetivo para todos nosotros es para no limitar nuestra conciencia pero a ampliar nuestra comprensión de lo que está más allá de nuestro ser limitado y buscar un estado más elevado de conciencia que permitirá avanzar de...
Expansión de la conciencia
El objetivo para todos nosotros es para no limitar nuestra conciencia pero a ampliar nuestra comprensión de lo que está más allá de nuestro ser limitado y buscar un estado más elevado de conciencia que permitirá avanzar de...
Support Your Soul
Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Going Deeper: What Happens During Meditation?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move forward on this journey of self-discovery, new vibrations and energies are coming in to support you. In this week's video, I address sensations that you may experience during meditation (found in your Spiritual Power Tools...
Tapping into the God Computer
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How has your practice of quieting your mind gone this week? On this spiritual journey, it is essential to commit to a constant practice of quieting your thoughts so your Higher Self can speak to you and guide you along the way. In this...
Going Deeper: Quieting the Mind
Beloved Soul in Evolution, In this week's video, you have the opportunmity to continue focusing on meditation, and specifically, quieting your mind--an important practice not only during your meditation time, but throughout the day. When I began meditating, my first...
The Importance of Meditation
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you doing exploring and working with your inner voice? In this week's video and journaling questions, I share with you more about how necessary meditation is for your spiritual awakening. The story of your spiritual journey is the...
Meditation: A Tool for Receiving Guidance
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your exploration in meditation going? Have the questions you've been working with supported a deepening in your meditation practice? In this week's video, I am sharing more about the importance of meditation on the spiritual journey....
Meditation in Support of Your Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you know so well, meditation is an important part in the evolution of your soul. Now that you have examined your desire for spiritual awakening, made an inner commitment to back up that desire, and engaged your active observer of self, it...
Generating a Spiritual Desire
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you have learned, a desire to know your true Self is necessary to move into your next level of consciousness. Take a moment to ponder and review all that you know about this part of your spiritual journey. First, there can often be a...
Going Deeper: More Support on Becoming the Active Observer of Your Emotions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, In this week's video and journaling questions, I want to share with you more about the importance of the Observer Self in dissolving emotional patterns and making important changes in your soul's expression. The Observer Self is a piece of...
Observe Yourself and Embrace Your Changes
Beloved Soul in Evolution, In the past few weeks, you have looked more deeply at your spiritual desire and commitment. This week's video and journaling questions supports you in reinforcing your Observer Self. Being the Observer Self is one of the most powerful ways...