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Release the Year — Final Steps
Final Steps to Release the Year
Beloved Soul in Evolution, The new year is almost here! You have been preparing your consciousness to move into 2014 with a clean state. With this week's video, you are working on the most important step: Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself--the gift...
Release the Year — Step Four: Disappointments and Difficulties
Jewel from Jane: Ash Wednesday for the Soul Evolutionist – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Ash Wednesday for the Soul Evolutionist Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three...
Jewel from Jane: The Many Aspects of Love – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth The Many Aspects of Love Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to...
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Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Meditation Expands My Sense of Self
"The goal for all of us is to not limit our consciousness but to expand our understanding of what lies beyond our limited self and seek a more elevated state of awareness which will advance our...
Linking with My Soul through Meditation
"One of the rewards of meditation for us is to become conscious of our soul rather than the ego personality. As we learn to function as a soul, we can consciously understand all aspects of our being. The gateway to the soul is through daily meditation." ...
Forgiveness Is a Process
Although it has been many years since my divorce, I still experience emotional triggers. I have the blessing of raising my teenage daughter full time. I've experience shortness of temper at times when there should be no reason. Through my meditation and journaling...
Why Journal?
Why Journal? Recently I was helping a friend with rearranging his home. It was challenging because I felt there was an easier way to get things done. As the day wore on I felt more and more agitated and impatient, not only with the task at hand but also with my...
Desire to Connect with Your Soul
When I became clear that my highest desire was to connect with my Soul, my first action was to establish a daily practice of meditation. Just by sitting still and being aware of my breath, I found that the anxieties surrounding my daily problems began to melt...
Gratitude Supports You through Change
Change Even though change is continuous and unavoidable part of life, transitions can be unsettling. In spiritual school you are constantly emptied in order to be refilled. Your ability to handle these experiences gracefully, and not hold onto the pain of change,...
Cooperate with Your New Alignment
Many shifts are happening in the world right now, which means shifts are happening for each of us! When we cooperate with the higher energy of our souls, we are able to move through the door of new opportunities that is open to us. If we resist, hold on to...
Affirmations for Your Spiritual Alignment
Your desire for your spiritual alignment adds power and energy to your spiritual journey. The energy you put into your daily spiritual practice is returned to you in support from the Universe one hundredfold! Action to take: Meditate on the affirmations...
There Is a Power within You, Greater than Your Personality Self!
As you move through your day, remember that there is a Power greater than yourself working through you, helping lift you above the negativity that arises in your consciousness. That greater part of you sees beyond the third dimensional situation to the perfect...